In the Community
Flint, MI. Water Drive
April 2018 Food Drive
Did you know that over 250,000 people struggle with hunger and food insecurity in the Indianapolis metro area? We are inviting you to join us in meeting this real need in our community by donating food items or money that will be delivered to those in need with dignity and love. In a time when our nation is so divided, we can unite together to love our neighbors.
Joining us is easy to do. We will provide you with boxes and information about the food drive. People can drop off their donations in the boxes from February 26 to April 1st. Let us know if the box is getting full and we will come by and pick it up. Senior Life Transitions will collect and weigh the donations. Once the food drive is over, we will share the results with those who participated.
These are the items we would like to collect and then share with our neighbors:
- Cereal
- Pasta
- Pasta sauce
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Toiletries
There is also a significant need for meat. We will not be collecting meat, but monetary donations for meat can be sent to our partner organization through the donate section of their website:
Our partner organization Faith, Hope, and Love helps feed about 350 people every month. Their focus is on more than just handing out food. They connect with their clients in a relational way that communicates love and respect. They help connect people with the services they need and work to help eliminate people’s need for food assistance.
So, would you join us from February 14th to April 1st and help make a real difference in our community? If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sean & Ryan by calling or texting 317-828-1187/219-401-0860